Planning a trip?
Put the technology to work and make the most of your travels.

One of the best things about travel is connecting with the local guys.
But it pays to plan ahead and put a bit groundwork in before landing in your destination.
Use the "Location Search" function to change the geography of the guys on your grid.
By default, it's set to show you guys in your current location, but you can set that to any city that you like.

To give you a flavour of some of the guys that you might meet on your travels, we've done a quick search on some of the destinations that are on our wish-list itinerary for the months ahead.
Men in Madrid

Sexy in Sydney

Bears in Brussels

Dudes in Dublin

How's Your Gaydar?
Put the technology to work and connect with guys near you - there are literally thousands of new guys signing up to Gaydar each week.

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