How to make your dating profile irresistible

Put the technology to work and put your best foot forward.

How to make your dating profile irresistible

If you're puttiing yourself out there on a dating website and not getting a lot of takers, it might be time to revisit and update your dating profile.

There's a lot of competition out there, you need your profile to grab a guy's attention and get them interested in seeing more of what you've got to offer.

Here's some tips that might help.

Conversation starters

Your dating profile probably allows you to upload a number of different photos. Try and include a few that create opportunities for guys to start a conversation with you.

For example, a photo from a recent vacation is something that guys can comment on, share their experiences if they've been to that destination, or just compliment you on your tan lines.

Showcase your sense of humour

Sure, you want to look your best in your photos but demonstrating that you've got a sense of humour will get you a long way with most guys.

Don't take yourself too seriously - use the bio fields and any opportunities to write text to make it clear to guys that you're fun and flirty. People are drawn to positive energy.

Be honest and authentic

There's no point pretending to be something that you're not, but also remember that you are marketing yourself to potential dates.

In your bio, and with your photos, highlight the most interesting things about you. Road-test it with your friends - get some constructive feedback as to whether what you've written is on the money.

Dating and hook-up apps will often let you specific the type of guy that you're looking for through their search fields. You can search for a specific age or look or location.

While it's fine to preferences for the types of guys that you're into, sometimes we don't know what we like until we have a taste of it.

Try widening your search preferences and see what happens. Be open to meeting up with guys that might normally not be on your radar. You might surprise yourself!

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