Don't Worry, it is going to be fine. Tips for First-Timers!
Tips for First-Timers! A beginner's guide to guy-on-guy action.

Having sex is one of the most beautiful things two people can do together. It involves trust, vulnerability, and intimacy.
While the act itself is relatively simple, it can still be nerve-wracking the first time you do it with someone new.
If you're a guy who is about to embark on a man-on-man encounter for the first time, never fear! We're here to help.
Here's some tips:
1. Don't worry
It's normal to be a little anxious or apprehensive. The key is not to let those nerves get the best of you. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and remember that there's nothing to be scared of. Everything will be just fine - your body knows what to do.
2. It shouldn't hurt
Putting to one side the BDSM kinks, having sex shouldn't hurt. If anything is hurting, stop, slow-down, rethink what's going on and try something different.
Anal sex can take a bit of practice, but with plenty of lube and a bit of patience, it's a lot of fun.
3. You're not bad at sex
You might be a bit inexperienced, but sex isn't some kind of Olympic sport - no one is handing out medals or holding up scores out of 10. If you're not sure if the guy you're with is enjoying what you're doing, try asking them what they want. A bit of communication goes a long way, so does a sense of humour. Relax and have fun together.
4. You don't have to have sex
Don't feel pressured into having sex with someone or doing something that you're not into. If you're not feeling it, just let them know with some clear and direct communication. Don't expect anyone to try and guess how you're feeling.
5. Do some prep work
If you're hosting, set the mood - think about the lighting, the music, the heating. Does your bedroom smell good?
If anal sex might be on the menu, make sure you're clean and confident and ready for action. You don't need to deep-clean your entire intestine, but a quick douche probably wouldn't go astray. If you know that it takes you a while to relax and loosen up, giving yourself a bit of pre-work with a sex-toy might help speed things along a bit.